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European Journal of Media, Art & Photography

Issue 1/2024 AVAILABLE NOW!

Familial nostalgia

Based on an ethnographic field research conducted in the do- mestic and public spheres of the province of Punjab (Pakistan), this paper discusses real images (the family photos) embedded in their narrative context. It contributes towards understanding the role play by photographs both in domestic

Socialist-Realistic Consistency (Companionable Summers)

This paper deals with a question of existentialism (or non-existentialism) in the novel Družné letá (Companionable Summers) written by Dominik Tatarka. The study directly refers to the monograph Dominik Tatarka in the Context of Existentialism (M. Antošová), where we focused on the significant “diapason” of

Just trying to survive

Rebelliousness in the field of artistic photography, typical of the author’s persona, fully manifested itself at the beginning of his creative career already. He never perceived photography as a capture of unrepeatable moments or the depiction of the beauty of the visible. Rather, he tried

Journey to a human

I began with a photography as a student at a film high school. I have always wanted to be a cinematographer. I was studying film language, we told about different visual forms and shooting techniques. I did not want to be a photographer, I devoted

New Statue of Liberty York

It was February. A cold wind blew from the Hudson River. We stood at the railing, just the two of us. Then, suddenly, in the distance, The Statue of Liberty, she called upon us. At that moment, I remember Max Fritsch, back in Montauk. It


doc. Jana Hojstričová, ArtD. (*1972, SK) was born in 1972 in Myjava /Slovakia/. She grad- uated in the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. She works as a photographer and as a teacher. Since 1998 she has been teaching at the Department of

Illustration photo

About Beauty, Love and Fear & Suspended Boundaries

Through photography I aspire to represent the spaces where visual relationships take place: the space of the picture becomes the place where I capture the intertwined of particulars and views. Through the juxtaposition of subtleties I create meaning out of tumultuous accidents and felicitous coincidences.

LUUK poster

LUUK: A tradition is born

A novelty stands at the beginning of everything. Maybe it’s not perfect, unsure and coy, but alas it stands at the inception of everything new. As things progress, it trades its imperfections for advantages and slowly gains its own unique form within our reality. At