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European Journal of Media, Art & Photography

Issue 1/2024 AVAILABLE NOW!


Towards a Transnational Indian Cinema

Abstract: The late 20th and 21st century was characterised by the rise in numerous transnational cultural processes. Global arts, economic and political landscapes continue to undergo structuring and reconfiguration by this new transnational trend. This recent trend has created an imbalance and reconfigured recent cinema

Aspect of time in forensic photography

Abstract: Humans perceive time as an indefinite dimension which has a definitive impact on the life of an individual. Time represents a key element in developing photographs but it also can be metaphorically presented in photographic pictures. During the course of history people tried to represent

Between Abstraction and Description

Abstract: This presentation of works by the Czech photographer and teacher Pavel Mára (b. 1951) is based on a selection of four scholarly articles that were written about him (and are published here in their entirety or in part). Together with his biographical information and a

Life as a temporary miracle: from manierism to concept

Abstract: The article is based on a book and texts from Elena Lichá-Zábranská and deals with the lifetime work of the significant Slovak artist and photographer Ľuba Lauffová, who is considered as an extraordinary personality not only for Slovak, but also for European photography in general.

She puts the world out of the world

The raw material of the photographs is a daily object on which Anne Lefebvre relies to announce worries. The motifs are composed of elements collected in the artist’s home environment. Household items, bath, glass, spoon and hand to order the whole. Anne Lefebvre deploys the

Between reconstruction and interpretation

Articles writen by three Slovak art theorists about the work of the artist and pedagogue Ladislav Čarný. Jana Geržová (study Between Reconstruction and Interpretation) is devoted to his work in the 80s and 90s - mirror objects, light ob- jects and paintings, mimicrys (cam- ouflages)

To placard Transparent

“For Decent Slovakia” gathering on March 9, 2018. One of the most interesting par excellence placard was made of a semi-transparent foil and contained the word Transparent [in slovak language also meaning “placard”]. We can approach this creation as an ironic oxymoron or redundancy of

Photography for Tomáš. Thomas‘ magnifications

In this paper, I demonstrate the transcultural dialogue which is happening on the basis of partial problems of both russian and non-russian art. This dialogue happens in a historic and a „spatial“ context, which, as a phenomenon, should correspond to the future of geocultural hyperthinking.

Civilization that will survive

The article shows the situation of the Catholic Church in today’s unit- ed socialist Vietnam. The author, a Slovak misiologist, does this on the basis of the experiment of life at the monastery of Vincentian brothers in Ho Chi Minh City as well as through