Author Guidelines
Artistic journal indexed in Web of Science
scientific journal, artistic journal
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Author Guidelines

Journal information


ISSN (print) 1339-4940

ISSN (online) 2989-3224 

Registration in the List of Periodical Press administrated the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic: EV 243/23/EPP



Faculty of Mass Media Communication

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

Slovak Republic

The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is an educational institution financed from the public sources.


EJMAP is registered in the following databases:

  • Central and Eastern European Online Library
  • Web of Science – Emerging sources citation index – Q1 in the category of art journals


EJMAP´s Editorial Board offers a possibility of publishing original theoretical or research studies, photography, graphical or other art series and other articles related to the focus of the journal, which have not been publicly published yet.

The European Journal of Media, Art & Photography derives its income to cover its publishing costs (including the costs associated with maintaining open access to EJMAP content) from fees for publishing articles. A publication fee of €300 per study or essay, €100 per book review – is only charged to authors whose manuscripts have been assessed and accepted for publication in EJMAP. The fee does not vary depending on the number of co-authors or the length of the manuscript and may be paid by the author(s), the scientific institutions with which they are affiliated, or the sponsors of their research. Publication fees accrue upon acceptance of the article. There are no article submission fees.


Our complete editorial policy can be viewed here.


Our complete statute of journal can be viewed here.


The price of the print issue is 20 € + postage.


Spring issue: 1st of January

Autumn issue: 1st of September


An article is only included in the process after it has been submitted. Registration or pre-registration of an article is not sufficient for inclusion.


Please e-mail your article to: in the Microsoft Word text editor.

The Editorial Board may accept the text conditionally and require correction of the text by author(s) according to the remarks.

All manuscripts must be written in English language:


Text format (unless specified otherwise in brackets below):

  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 pt
  • Alignment: justified
  • Spacing: 1
  • All margins: 2.5 cm
  • Range: 30 000 characters with spaces – without image materials (In the case of image material, 20 000 characters with spaces)
  • The number of characters includes the abstract, the text of the article, contact information and the profile of the authors
  • Do not divide words
  • Quotations and referenced passages: APA7 style


  • Title of the text in English (16 pt, bold, align centre)
  • Name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) (14 pt, align centre)
  • Abstract in English – from 150 to 200 words  (10 pt)
  • Key words in English (10 pt)
  • Titles of individual chapters (14 pt, bold)
  • Bibliography
  • Contact data (name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) with full academic degrees, full address of the affiliated institution, e-mail and short bio in case of art series)
  • Citation rules: APA7