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European Journal of Media, Art & Photography

Issue 1/2024 AVAILABLE NOW!


Radio Experiments: Aesthetic, Structure, Genre

Abstract In the structure of radio experiments, the pattern is present and not every sound composition composed in any way fits into this pattern and is artistically valuable as well as it is not necessarily experimental radio drama or avant-grade music. The common features and structural

Logo as the Greatest Symbol of Brand

Abstract The visual identity of a brand is what comprises a substantial part of its value, as it is the logo and the symbols used by a brand that distinguish it from competition and confer its competitive advantage. Logo can even be perceived as a work

Searching for a Sense of Wholeness

Abstract The portfolio of the world renowned American visual artist Anne Arden McDonald presents a few of her key art projects, which are significant for her whole artwork. The presented cycle of Self Portraits, by building installations in abandoned interiors and performing privately for her camera

Photographs like from another World

Abstract The portfolio presents the life of a photographer, and notable member of a group known as the Slovak new wave, Pavel Pecha in two worlds, while the first one is real and the second one is an alternative created from the negative of bad qualities

The Art-historical Fundamentals of Advertising Graphics

Abstract Contemporary visual advertising research is impossible without analysis of its art-historical fundamentals. The effectiveness of advertising graphics is defined as the process of communication and semantic perception of visual images. The subject of our study – graphics means in the advertisements of the XIX–XXI centuries.

Texture and Pattern in Corporate Design

Abstract Logo, typography and colour are the minimum elements that every company should have defined. Corporate design is a collection of elements representing the company visually. Attractive corporate design helps build the image, ensures recognizability, memorability and keeps the dialogue with the target audience. However, there

Online Literary Criticism: When Reader Becomes Critic

Abstract Literary criticism as a part of mass media communication is going through significant changes with the development of online media. We can see many new variations of criticism today. Reviewers and critics are active on social sites; they use blogs, vlogs and podcasts to spread