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European Journal of Media, Art & Photography

Issue 2/2024 AVAILABLE NOW!


The Body is Pivot

Abstract Contradicting the scenario full of images and the frantic pace of succession of information from the current consumer society and its technologies, since 2006 – when Tales Frey conceived the work “O Beijo” in partnership with the artist Cristine Ágape – he has created a

Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Context of the Development of Art Marketing Communication in the Space of Selected Cultural Institutions

Abstract As new technological tools, virtual and augmented reality caused a revolution in culture and art during the critical situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. It allowed the viewers to become the co-creators of art, which then changes under their influence. The property/essence of interactive art

Theatre of the Street

      PAVLŮ, D.: Theatre of the Street. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2023, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 124-127, ISSN 1339-4940.

Spiritual Expressionism or Dynamic Meditation?

Abstract Kamil Varga is a significant Czechoslovak photographer based in Prague, Czech Republic and one of the key figures of the photographic group Slovak New Wave. The author’s work has changed over the years. This portfolio attempts to show his key moments. He created his first works

Journeys to Parallel Worlds

Abstract The portfolio of the visual artist and photographer Robo Kočan, who is based in Poprad, Slovakia, presents a selection of his artwork. He belongs to the prominent representatives of the second new wave of Slovak photographers, who in the 1990s intervened strongly not only in the

Scenology of the Digital Image

Abstract On the one hand the world of digital imaging is a continuously changing organism of almost unlimited creative possibilities. On the other hand, it is a very complicated environment full of technological systems and processing and production standards. The goal is to give to those