Current Social Media Trends and Young Audiences – Risks and Opportunities
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Current Social Media Trends and Young Audiences – Risks and Opportunities


Media and technology convergence has caused many changes in the world of the young public – from preferred social media, to content creation, to media consumption and its volume. In the online world, young audiences live their own lives, often separate from real ones. This article aims to describe the paradigmatic changes associated not only with the convergence of media, but especially with the convergence of the public, which is most observable in young recipients – digital natives in the era of so-called technological interference. In addition to opportunities, these changes also bring with them certain risks, especially in the area of psychological and sociological survival. These include, in addition to the current FoMO and JoMO effect, many others, which this article, through a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, seeks to identify and explore in the context of current trends in social media.


Key words

FOMO effect. Media Convergence. New trends. Technoference. Young Audience.


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ŠKRIPCOVÁ, L., HLADÍKOVÁ, V.: Current Social media Trends and Young Audiences – Risks and Opportunities. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2022, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 90-99, ISSN 1339-4940.