Issues 2/2016
Artistic journal indexed in Web of Science
scientific journal, artistic journal
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Cover photo: Student profile - Diana Čermáková

Diana Čermáková: Compatriots

As far as I can remember, I guess I have always been taking pictures. My brother put his camera into my hands at his wedding and told me to take some pictures. They knew I enjoyed that. I was 12 then. And I felt important.

Eduard Nepomuk Kozics

Eduard Nepomuk Kozics

Narodil sa 21.5.1829 v Dubnici nad Váhom  v chudobnej slovenskej rodine. Za fotografa sa vyučil u viedenského fotografa Andreasa Grolla. Po vyučení sa z Viedne vrátil do Bratislavy, kde si neskôr i za pomoci svojich priateľov  a mecénov otvoril svoj prvý fotografický ateliér, pravdepodobne v roku

Series about urbanity - Szilvia Mucsy

Series about urbanity

Szilvia is a photographer, curator, teacher and chair of the RANDOM – Association of Contemporary Photographers. Based in Budapest, Hungary. She began her photographic career at the Studio of Young Photographers Hungary, where she became a member of the executives for 2 years. She is