The Relevance of Illustration in Book Marketing in the 18th and 19th Centuries in Slovakia
In each era, there are distinctive features that have influenced the possibilities of promoting intangible art products in the broader context of marketing. The possibilities, methods and forms of promotion have changed and evolved over the centuries and have depended on the development of mass means of communication, as well as on new methods and forms of promotion that reflected the requirements of the target groups during a particular period of time. In the present article, we focus on brand building of the printer (i.e. the printer’s signet), on the relevance of illustration in book marketing that takes the form of an artistic reference to the content of the work (the content frontispiece) and we also focus on building the PR of the author (the frontispiece portrait). The present study deals with the period from the 18th to the 19th century and in terms of geography, it is concerned with the territory of Slovakia.
Key words
Book Culture. Cultural Heritage. Frontispiece. Illustration. Marketing. The Printer’s Signet.
Augustínová, E. & Pitoňáková, S. (2024). The Relevance of Illustration in Book Marketing in the 18th and 19th Centuries in Slovakia. European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 12(1), 76-85.