An Overview Of The New Media Role
 In Original Literature Publishing In Slovakia During The First Decade Of The New Millennium And Shortly After
Artistic journal indexed in Web of Science
scientific journal, artistic journal
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An Overview Of The New Media Role
 In Original Literature Publishing In Slovakia During The First Decade Of The New Millennium And Shortly After


Public publishing space for authors of original contemporary literature in Slovakia has changed and expanded significantly in the last three decades since 1989. Due to the development and use of modern technologies and the existence of digital virtual space, nowadays the authors of Slovak literature can publish their texts in many more media than before 1989, and almost without any limitations. However, the literary, aesthetic, cultural or fundamental artistic relevance of such contributions is in many cases controversial. In the context of the publication space of new media, internet portals and online literary magazines often publish without deeper critical selection and (often even minimal objective literary-critical reflection almost everything delivered to their editorial mailbox as by ambitious writers?), as well by those whose works are lacking basic literary talent and the necessary creativity.

The paper maps the situation in the area of publishing original literature, especially poetry, in Slovakia at the beginning of the 21st century in the context of the use of new media and modern digital technologies.


Key words

Slovak literature, poetry, publishing of Slovak literature, millennium, new media, digital media, modern technologies.


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GRUPAČ, M.: An Overview Of The New Media Role In Original Literature Publishing In Slovakia During The First Decade Of The New Millenium And Shortly After. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 126-129, ISSN 1339-4940.