Between Solitude and Freedom
Artistic journal indexed in Web of Science
scientific journal, artistic journal
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Between Solitude and Freedom


This presentation of works by the Slovak photographer and teacher Lena Jakubčáková (b. 1980) is based on a selection of two scholarly articles that were written about her and some author´s texts or fragments from her books. Together with her biographical information and a brief overview of her exhibitions at home and abroad, the magazine provides information about Jakubčáková’s activity as a creative photographer. The articles, by Jindřich Štreit (2016) and Ivana Komanická (2017), offer interpretations of her key series – of her two long-term documentary projects, which essentially talk about prison, faith, solitude, individual freedom and revolt, and which were completed in the form of a book. The author´s texts and the excerpts from two books File 44 and Granny from the Woods reveal her relationship to the photographed persons. Everything is accompanied by more than fifty photographs, in black-and-white and in colour, some of which come from the author´s archive and the exhibition documentation.


Key words

Contemporary Slovak photography, Lena Jakubčáková, documentary photography, long-term projects, freedom, solitude, faith, revolt, Jindřich Štreit, Ivana Komanická


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JAKUBČÁKOVÁ, L.: Between Solitude and Freedom. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 6-38, ISSN 1339-4940.